Heading to the United States

It took my such damn long time to make this final decision. I should have being in the US if i could made the decision earlier. It’s been really tough for me in the past 8 months. A lot things happened to me, well frankly speaking, actually that’s just one thing. My girlfriend left me and went to US. My life got totally lost after we broke up. I couldn’t focus on my work or whatever i should do really. I can’t even find the meaning to stay in this country anymore. I don’t know what to do, feeling like helpless, lost in the middle of this huge country. I lose initiative to do anything.

I have waste a lot of time. I know i need to move on, i just can hardly find a way. I’ve tried everything to get out from the deeply lose of last relationship, but always turns out to be failed. I just can not control my mind.

